Jaan, former host of Jaansworld, known though the world and Europe! It was all about the music, sharing songs and music we all could enjoy! In 5/29/2007 Jaan's World was first dropped on the net, with Jaan and Liia.
Liia went off to California the show was then picked up by mevio and the music found on The Pod Safe Network.. and the kind
Jaan, former host of Jaansworld, known though the world and Europe! It was all about the music, sharing songs and music we all could enjoy! In 5/29/2007 Jaan's World was first dropped on the net, with Jaan and Liia.
Liia went off to California the show was then picked up by mevio and the music found on The Pod Safe Network.. and the kindness of many artist.
mevio ended and sadly stopped Audio Podcasts a sad day I feel! Now Jaan is trying to come up with a new thing so stay tuned!
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